Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Question One On Page 135

Social Networking and Society
A1. The advantages that social networking brings to my life are:
     1. I can talk to friends and family that I haven't seen or are not able to see. I can keep in contact.
     2. I was able to find my father via Facebook.
     3. I can use it to get into contact with publishing companies without having to worry about whether the person will have time getting back to me. Leaving them an e - mail they will get faster.
     4. I can show my work to companies faster than sending it by mail.

A2. The disadvantages that social networking brings to my life are:
     1. I will spend time talking to people when I should be doing something else. (Spending time on Everquest talking to friends rather than looking up information for my speech.)
     2. People that I have had problems with in past can find me and cause more problems. (Or for instance, they can send messages to my boyfriend to cause problems for me.)

B1. Social networking has had a positive effect on society as a whole because:
     1. It can bring people together. (Finding family or making new friends.)
     2. It let's companies have a wider range of sales by getting their products out to more people.
     3. It let's people make money by being able to find people throughout the world interested in their product.
     4. It allows us to be able to "go paperless" on bills to waste less paper.

B2. Social networking has had a negative effect on society as a whole because:
     1. If one person doesn't like something, they can post about it to many people making people in turn afraid to try that product killing the company.
     2. It can take people away from the task at hand. (Going on Facebook instead of working on something that is due.)
     3. People can find other people's information by hacking into varies accounts of things.

C. Businesses are using social networking to get their products out to a wider range of people. Most companies now have Facebooks. They post sales, coupons, and new products that are coming out.

D. I see social networking evolving in the next two or three years to reach more people. There are still a lot of people around the world that are in dead zones and cannot access things like Facebook. Also as more schools incorporate computers into their classes or going to online classes, and in the future it may all be online.


  1. Well, well, there are a lot of things that we can agree on. I do not think there are is much i can argue with you on this subject, But I do see you mentioned that you spend too much time on social networking an not enough time doing your homework a.k.a. your speech. Wouldn't you agree with me then about my post. About not getting out enough so people can be inside on the computer all the time? I mean when i say all the time i should say most of the day. Not that their is anything wrong with the fact either. I couldn't have a job at home on the computer. My eyes would hurt too much. Plus thats just not my style. I would probably drive myself insane. If i mis-understood you please elaborate.

    1. I agree with you on most of what you've said. People shouldn't be inside all the time on things like Facebook. I go on Facebook a lot as well, or even go and play Everquest. But I work on the computer. I write my manuscripts and poems. I go to publishing websites and compare prices. I do go outside. I take my dog out, or I go somewhere with my boyfriend. Even the other day I started making him take her to the doggy park once a week when it was nice out, so we could all spend sometime outside.
